News & Articles
Scott Elmore Named To Leadership Knoxville Class of 2020
Leadership Knoxville announced the selection of its 2020 class of community and civic leaders to participate in its Flagship Program. During the year, class members will participate in monthly sessions and focus on Servant Leadership
Wynne Caffey-Knight is the 2016 recipient of the East Tennessee Lawyer’s Association for Women Spirit of Justice Award
R. Scott Elmore Closes Deal Between Penske Automotive and Freightliner of Knoxville
Penske Automotive Group, Inc., an international transportation services company, has completed the acquisition of Freightliner medium and heavy-duty commercial truck dealerships operating in the Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tennessee markets. [Full Article]
DICTA: Online TNJustice
Wynne Caffey-Knight The December 2014 issue of DICTA, an official publication of the Knoxville Bar Association, with a contribution by Wynne Caffey-Knight can be downloaded here: DICTA December 2014: Online TNJustice (p. 24) [download]
DICTA: Perspectives
Wynne Caffey-Knight The June 2014 issue of DICTA, an official publication of the Knoxville Bar Association, with a contribution by Wynne Caffey-Knight can be downloaded here: DICTA June 2014: Perspectives (p. 12) [download]
Westwood Building
5616 Kingston Pike
Suite 301
Knoxville, TN 37919
phone (865) 766-0056
fax (865) 766-0570
R. Scott Elmore
Robert S. Stone (1951-2014)
Wynne du M. Caffey-Knight
Trent Kinkaid